Teens @ Library


The Uniontown Public Library is dedicated to serving all Teens in the Uniontown area with access to diverse collections, community spaces, and technology. The Uniontown Public Library maintains nearly a 600 book fiction collection for teen readers on the first floor. Teens have access to nearly 4,000 young adult book titles from the 19 other libraries in the Washington County Library System. Similarly, as a library patron, Teens can also access the nearly 18,000 DVD movie and TV series collection from the system of which nearly 3,000 located at Uniontown Public Library. 

With your valid library card, Teens can access online:  








Want to find a great book to read? 

The Teen Book Finder from the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is a free app to help teens, parents, librarians and library staff, educators, and anyone who loves YA literature access the past three years’ of YALSA’s awards and lists.

It is currently only available for iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad.

Visit YALSA’s site to try it out.

Resources for Readers


College Links

Student Aid – Government-run site with information on FAFSA, Types of Aid, Repaying Loans, and more