The Pennsylvania Room’s collection features a large number of historical and genealogical publications, including many early editions. Because some issues are missing, please inquire ahead of your visit if you’re seeking a particular journal or magazine.
Historical and General Interest Publications
Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine – A publication of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation. On the magazine’s website, click “Current & Past Issues” on the sidebar to the Subject and Feature Stories indices going back to 1974.
Pennsylvania History – A quarterly journal of the Pennsylvania Historical Association. Issues dating back to 1934 are available for online reading.
Pennsylvania Magazine – A general interest magazine covering all manners of Pennsylvania-related stories, from current events to tourism to book reviews.
Pennsylvania Magazine of History & Biography – A scholarly publication of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Recent issues may be previewed online.
Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine – A publication of the Heinz History Center. Issues dating back to 1918 are available for online reading.
Other History Periodicals: Journal of American History, Maryland Historical Magazine, Transallegheny Historical Magazine, Westmoreland History, West Virginia History
Genealogical Publications
Cornerstone Clues – The newsletter of the Cornerstone Genealogical Society, a Greene County organization.
Fayette Families – The newsletter of the Fayette County Genealogical Society. Some issues are indexed online.
La Fayette: The History and Genealogy of Fayette County – A quarterly published in the 1980s and early 1990s by Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services containing abstracts from early Fayette County court records, land ownership records, naturalizations, wills, and various other sources. This publication is particularly useful for those researching ancestors from the late 18th and early 19th century — however, it is not yet digitized.
Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine – The journal of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Until 1947 it was known as Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania.
National Genealogical Society Quarterly – A publication of the National Genealogical Society. An index is available for issues dating back to 1912 on the NGS website.
Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society Quarterly – A publication of the Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society. A table of contents for issues dating back to 1974 is available on the WPGS website.
Other Genealogy Periodicals: The California Crier (California Area Historical Society), The Enterprise (Brownsville Area Revitalization Corporation), The Focus (Washington County Historical Society), Ft. Mason Area Times (Fort Mason Historical Society newsletter), Good Purpose (Baltzer Meyer Historical Society), Jots from the Point (Western PA Genealogical Society), Milemarker (Old Petersburg-Addison Historical Society), Old Westmoreland: The History and Genealogy of Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania Genealogist and Historian, Somerset Past: The History and Genealogy of Somerset Co., Pitt’s Choice: The History and Genealogy of Allegheny County, Tableland Trails, Tenmile Country and its Pioneer Families, and Westmoreland Chronicle (Westmoreland County Historical Society).